What Exactly Is A Brand?

Do you know what a brand is? I’ll tell you what it’s not! It’s not just your website.

Or your business cards...

Or your fancy glittery logo...

Or cute packaging...

Or the DIY banner you got from Vistaprint…

All those things are what a brand used to be, but that doesn't cut it anymore.

Don’t get me wrong, the design is essential, but your brand is SO much more than just what your logo looks like.

In this blog post, I’m going to explain what a brand is, what a brand isn’t, and how you can harness the power of branding to grow your business.

What is a brand?

According to Wikipedia, a brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers. Brands are used in business, marketing, and advertising for recognition and, importantly, to create and store value as brand equity for the object identified, to the benefit of the brand's customers, its owners, and shareholders.

Lemme Viv it down for you…

Branding is one of those terms that is often misunderstood – but it’s super important that you get it right. People often mistake branding for simply having a logo, a sexy website or packaging that identifies your business. 

But, while a logo, website, and packaging is part of your brand, it isn’t your brand itself. 

Your brand is actually emotional rather than physical.

A brand is a feeling, emotions, a set of expectations, stories, relationships that when all put together, lead to why a customer may decide to choose your product or service over someone else’s. 

Good branding helps you make a powerful impact on your audience.

Good branding allows you to differentiate your products and services from competitors 

Good branding allows you to become the go-to business in the niche that you occupy. 

Do you really need to spend time developing your brand? 

Yes! Yes, you do! Because, branding helps your ideal client identify your products or services, and distinguishes you from competitors.  A brand helps to give a persona that your customers can connect with. 

In other words, people aren’t necessarily only buying the product. They’re buying the emotions behind it. It’s not just the physical products or services your business provides; it’s also the emotions your audience feels when thinking about your business – emotions that you can help to create. 

Good brand marketing also includes having a strong product or service, because that’s going to influence your business and brand reputation.

So, what's a good brand?

Great examples of kick-ass brands include:






Just naming these brands brings good feelings to mind. 

Ever notice how “Google” has become a verb? We no longer search for answers online – we google them. This is product branding at its finest; Google has figured out how to get us to trust them and have made themselves indispensable, affecting every aspect of our lives. 

How does your brand measure up? 

If you’re not sure about your brand or want to improve it, you can do a brand audit. 

A brand audit is an in-depth examination of your brand to identify what you’re doing well, where you could potentially improve, and your current position in the market alongside your competitors. 

Download my exclusive Brand Audit checklist to ensure your brand is on point!