13 Signs You Might Be An Entrepreneur

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In my humble opinion, there are 2 types of people in this world. Entrepreneurs and everyone else. Entrepreneurs are a special group of people who have a passion for solving problems and creating solutions that fix those problems.

If you find yourself looking at a problem, a product or a service and brainstorming ways to make it better, more accessible or user friendly, you just might be an entrepreneur!

If you’ve had thoughts about starting your own business, but wonder if you're truly cut out for it, keep reading for 13 signs that you might be an entrepreneur!

The idea of a corporate, 9-5 job turns you off

Don’t get it twisted...there’s NOTHING WRONG WITH HAVING A 9-5 job! But if you find yourself spending time brainstorming ideas and working on your dream after your workday has wrapped up, you might be an entrepreneur! You likely work on things that you're passionate about at ANY time of the day (or night), but not because you have to - it's because you want to!

You had a side hustle for as long as you can remember!

Whether it was a lemonade stand as a kid, or tutoring peers (or stealing and selling tests LOL) in high school or college, running a side hustle to earn some extra money and make people's lives better was your norm.

Maybe you were the parallelogram or rhombus being forced into a square. For me, I knew I was smart, but not "report card smart". While my friends were winning awards for Science and English marks, I won a ‘Change your Future” award - which was essentially the “We know you’re going to be somebody, we just don’t know what” award. If you got something similar...you just might be an entrepreneur.

You love new ideas

New ideas come to you on a regular basis, fairly easily. You get them in the shower, while driving, washing dishes. You see opportunities where others see problems. And you excel in turning ideas into tangible results!

You’re passionate about the problem you’re solving or the people you're serving 

When you’re passionate about what you do, putting in the long hours doesn’t feel like a sacrifice. If you get a glimmer in your eye when you talk about the problem you're solving, you just might be an entrepreneur.

You’re a risk-taker and you seek out new challenges

Entrepreneurship requires some level of risk-taking. Whether it's developing and marketing a new product, pitching yourself to investors for funding or pivoting when the world is faced with a global crisis, you thrive when you take calculated risks and get a jolt of adrenaline from taking on new challenges.

You’re a leader who also loves their independence

If you find yourself inspiring others, taking on leadership roles in your work or community and love the flexibility of working on your own schedule and setting your own goals, you might be an entrepreneur at heart!

You have a vision and you feel compelled to help others

One major component for finding success as an entrepreneur is to have a solid vision and always remember your 'why'. Sure, it's important to make money so that you can support yourself and your family, and build your dream life. But entrepreneurship can be hard so having a vision to truly help others can be what sets you apart and sets you up for success!

Your friends and family know you as the problem solver

Always find yourself helping your friends and family navigate challenges? Entrepreneurs are excellent problem solvers who know that there might be more than one solution for a single roadblock! If your friends and family regularly approach you for guidance or support, you're probably meant to be an entrepreneur.

You don’t shy away from challenges, you dive headfirst

When people encounter challenges in their lives, entrepreneurs are often the people who dive into them headfirst - rather than shying away. If you see challenges as opportunities for growth, progress or learning, you're likely already flexing your entrepreneur's muscle!

You have an eye for opportunities everywhere you go

If you're the type of person who enjoys meeting new people and making new connections or where others see problems, you're busy dreaming up new ideas and ways to make life better, you definitely have an entrepreneur's spirit.

You probably watch Dragon’s Den or Shark Tank and yell at the screen

You might be an entrepreneur if a TV show about entrepreneurs pitching their ideas to a panel of venture capitalists is your kind of entertainment - and you probably have loads of commentary and opinions about the process as you watch it unfold on your screen.

You love to create things from nothing

Recognizing a need for a product or service is a tell-tale sign of an entrepreneur. You likely notice gaps in the market or pain points that your ideal client faces that other companies just aren't addressing. And you KNOW that you can fill those gaps with something new to make people's lives better, easier, or more fulfilled!

You love to live life on your own terms

While entrepreneurship is hard work, it also allows for a level of flexibility that a 'typical' career might not. If you thrive when working on your own schedule, find success when you work on your own and struggle if you feel micromanaged by your boss, you're probably an entrepreneur in the making!

You jump off cliffs and figure out how to open to parachute on your way down

Sometimes taking a leap of faith can have a big payoff! Entrepreneurs often thrive when solving a problem mid-process so if you're the type of person who trusts that they can solve a problem (or open your parachute) on the fly, you're might be an entrepreneur!

You know you have a special gift and want to share it with the world...

The little voice inside of you is telling you that it's time to share your genius with the world, whether it's developing a product to help people be the best version of themselves or offering a service that gives client's back their time and energy, you know you're onto something big!

I won't sugarcoat it, being an entrepreneur is a rollercoaster ride. I’ve been through all the emotions - the highs of 6 figure months to the lows of inventory coming in late because of things you can’t control. In the past 14 years, I’ve seen and done a lot.

But if you've made it this far - you might just be ready to make your leap into entrepreneurship! For more resources to help you on your journey, check out my Youtube Channel!